25 signatures reached
To: The Government Media Commitee and Google CEO
Force Google to take adult picture searches
To be more family friendly and block all adult related themes pictures and video searches. Using OpenDNS allows not to open these sites, but kids can be exposed to nudity and adult themes pictures and video thumbnails that are very explicit
Why is this important?
Because kids should not have this information easy to access. We've thought we were prepared using OpenDNS to avoid opening various adult related sites and I've found my 7 year old kids watching really explicit nudity pictures that Google does not block. The only technical solution after reading in Forums is to block Google and YouTube, but a company like Google should have the same safeguards that Bing has. Googlesafe works only when you are logged in, but the majority of times, when kids use search engines they are not logged in, so it is pretty useless.