To: The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Freedom to practice Hinduism in the United Kingdom

I would like a revision of religious faiths in the United Kingdom by a panel examining all of them and give Hinduism the clean bill of health as a peaceful religion that truth-accommodates to perfection.

Why is this important?

Over the past 24 years I have experienced intolerance of the actual actions-based practices of Hinduism in the United Kingdom with the result that I have been reduced to a level of inactivity in the political arena.

The unwritten Constitution has been revealed to me to be such that those who believe in a different God and a different Holy book or beliefs from their personal understanding of Reality are marginalised out of jobs, and out of the Judicial and Law enforcement processes of the State.

Religion is much more than going to churches and temples or mosques by believers of different faiths: it is a way of life for them.

In the conviction that I had of my God and our teachings in Hinduism, I found it very difficult to cope with the intolerance of my practices in diverse areas of society, to the point that I suffered mentally with persistent delusional disorder and paranoid schizophrenia.

This has got to change if in a multi-cultural and ethnically-diverse country that we have in the United Kingdom the rights of immigrants and their children to practice their faiths in actual physical actions that they undertake are not enshrined in law provided that those actions are totally non-violent and do not subscribe to terrorism.

Hinduism is the most non-violent religion there is as is pure Christianity and pure Buddhism. But the latter two are are sattvic (pious) religions whereas Hinduism in its ahimsa is a pro-active religion where one practices sanatan dharma, or the duties and responsibilities that are enshrined in what Hindus believe to be the eternal law of the universe.

For this reason, I would like a revision of religious faiths in the United Kingdom by a panel examining all of them and give Hinduism the clean bill of health as a peaceful religion that truth-accommodates to perfection.

I would like all the members of society to know our religion in precise detail so that they are understanding of our faith and do not persecute us for our practices, of discriminate against us in employment and Law Enforcement, as I have experienced personally.