To: UK Government

Get a barrier around the river severn in Shrewsbury! (Especially by the weir)

The river seven in Shrewsbury has been a massive issue over the past few years with people falling in and going missing. In 2021 a numerous of people that were drunk whilst walking home from going out up town have gone missing and ended up being found in the river. We desperately need a barrier put along the river to stop people dying and families being ruined. Nobody deserves to not know where there loved ones have gone or to get a dreaded phone call to say they have been found in the river. We also need some good CCTV cameras along the river so we can get a quicker answer if anything does happen. Something urgently needs doing.

Why is this important?

Too many lives are taken from them accidentally falling into the river. Many men think that they are capable to walk home from going out in town by themselves and walk along the because it is quicker for them. We NEED these safely measures so young people don’t fall in. In the past six years there have been 94 cases of people falling into the water in Shrewsbury, which resulted in 23 deaths, of which nine were accidental.

Shrewsbury, UK

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