To: Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,Christopher Pincher ,Jeremy Hunt and the Conservative goverment.

Give Tamworth the hospital it deserves..........

Today we learned that the Miu opening hours at Sir Robert Peel hospital are to be cut and that it will close over night . I have used this hospital as has families all over the area and we now have a population of 76900 people . To take this away and as I suspect will happen is slowly and surely services are the Robert Peel are whittled away until we have no hospital . If you are having a baby then we have to travel to Burton ,Sutton Coldfield and even further affield . What I want and I hope the people of Tamworth want is a hospital that supports the area and be 1 that we know is there when needed .

Why is this important?

Today we learned that the Minor Injuries Unit opening hours at Sir Robert Peel hospital are to be cut and that it will close over night. I have used this hospital as has families all over the area and we now have a population of 76900 people. To take this away and as I suspect will happen is slowly and surely services are the Robert Peel are whittled away until we have no hospital. If you are having a baby then we have to travel to Burton, Sutton Coldfield and even further afield

People dont know what they have lost until its gone . Fight for what we need and want as this is a very serious matter and if we dont stand up now then we will be saying bye to our hospital .

Sir Robert Peel Hospital, Plantation Lane, Mile Oak

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