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To: Brentford West Ward Councillors and prospective candidates

Give us our replacement parking spaces

Planning permission was granted for development of Orchard Road Car Park subject to an explicit condition requiring 16 replacement car parking spaces to be made available in the local vicinity before the works started.

Many of the “replacement spaces” have been marked out on single yellow lines. So these are not full replacement spaces because you could park there anyway at evening and weekends. 1 of the spaces is too small to meet guidelines and 3 spaces haven’t yet been provided but the carpark has been closed and demolition started.

We call upon all councillors and prospective candidates to ensure the council complies with its own planning condition and provides the 16 replacement spaces. That means space that are additional 24/7 like the ones being replaced.

Why is this important?

Apart from the very real problems this lack of parking will cause in a residential area of family housing, it is completely unacceptable that the council as a developer is failing to meet its own conditions which are there to protect the community. The council is failing to value the established local communities in the Orchard Road area and is acting with out any regard for the needs of existing local residents

Brentford railway station, Brentford TW8, UK

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2022-03-22 20:12:03 +0000

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