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To: Rspca, social services and the public

Gone with a bang

It's almost here, it's almost loud noise and big bonfires again.... This time of year is an existing time and yes we all love to see happy faces and kids of all ages enjoying fireworks šŸŽ† .
BUT not all humans and animals do. And all to often makes for a very upset child because there just too loud and very scared animal that don't understand the meaning of them... I propose we have the bang and noise taken out of the fireworks so we can all get to enjoy the displays they bring.... I am asking, I am begging you to look in to making the UK follow the footsteps of a town in Italy, where they have made it law to have silent one's only... infact is it not a fact that we do already use silent fireworks!!!!. Yes we do..
So I am asking you to look in to this and make people and humans happier. And it would also benefit society in general from people going around the streets setting them off so dangerously and random throughout the nights to.
It's a no-brainer isn't it!!!.
Thank you for you're time

Why is this important?

People are very strong about this and I have been seeing through social media that this is getting a big issue because it's not just animals we are talking about... its humans it's our children and there sensitive ears. To the point parents are buying ear defenders... no one should have to go the these lengths to enjoy something.


2021-10-26 19:37:22 +0100

10 signatures reached