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To: Lincolnshire County Council

Harmston, Aubourn and Haddington - Traffic Action Now!

The traffic through Harmston, Aubourn and Haddington has grown to now be a significant problem for residents of these villages. It is time for a full and thorough review to be conducted which can assess the suitability of the volume, speed and weight of vehicles using this village road. All options should then be considered to address the many concerns held by residents.

Why is this important?

The volume, speed and weight of vehicles travelling daily through these villages is not in any way suitable for the nature of the road. It poses a very real risk to health and to property and we feel that action needs to be carried out now to prevent serious injury or damage. The increase in the volume, speed and weight of vehicles using this road is having a significant impact on residents by disturbing the peace of these rural, Lincolnshire villages.

Harmston, Lincoln LN5, UK

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2022-05-06 19:04:02 +0100

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2022-05-05 15:39:36 +0100

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2022-05-05 10:45:57 +0100

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2022-05-05 08:57:44 +0100

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