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To: Bexley Council


Stop property development on Holy Redeemer Church site, which is on the corner of Annandale Road/Days Lane.Revised plans have been strategically submitted to ensure residents have the minimum time to respond against 4 x 4-bedroom, 3-storey houses being built in the church grounds and sold-off as a way to finance the redevelopment of extending the church, which includes a bigger hall, additional meeting rooms, café, office, and storage - with no visitor parking facilities.We have concerns that this will add more parking problems to local roads which as space is already limited, not to mention this will abolish the trees and hedges surrounding the venue.

Why is this important?

Some of the foreseeable problems include:
- building works and roadway disruption (potentially restricting emergency service routes)
- 4 x 4 semi detached, 3-storey houses which are out of character not only with the road but also nearby roads). These houses will be linked to an already existing drainage problem in the area. Each house will have 2 parking spaces which in turn will see the removal of parking spaces outside the church gardens on Annandale Road to accommodate the above new houses - therefore leading to increased parking problems as residents and visitors who will be using the extended church, bigger hall, meeting rooms, and café will need to park in nearby roads.
- abolishing the trees and hedges surrounding the venue will mean the loss of the birds and wildlife within the area.
The Holy Redeemer has revised its plans for the residential development and resubmitted a parking survey, which states that the roads within the area of the church and residential development, there is capacity to accommodate the extra cars that the development will attract. However, the survey was carried out for 3 days, on a Sunday (late morning), Tuesday (early hours in the morning/late morning) and Thursday (early hours in the morning). This does not show a true reflection as it does not include the weekend, and in the evenings when most people have returned from work and the church hall is in use. The roads surrounding the development are stressed enough and as a result residents are having to park in other roads already this is without this development.
In addition to signing this petition, please feel free to comment on planning application numbers 15/00237/FUL and 15/00238/FUL via the Bexley Council Online system:
OR send your comments in writing (including the above planning application numbers):
BY EMAIL TO: [email protected]
You may wish to copy councillors:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Miss J K Bansil, Bexley Council Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath DA6 7AT. You may also wish to copy the above councillor names at the same address.
The deadline is 3 July 2015 and thank you to those who signed the petition.
Days Lane, Sidcup

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2015-07-02 16:20:05 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-06-28 13:23:42 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-06-26 23:06:39 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-26 07:01:14 +0100

10 signatures reached