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To: The Rt. Hon Sir James Munby

Human Rights, Kieron's Law & Viral Video

To consider me accomplishing my aim with 'Kieron's Law' to tackle the root cause of potential miscarriages of justice within the family court system. I have already brought about my concerns to Court before but the Council admitted to an administrative error once my Case got dismissed. I am aiming for leaflets to be pushed through every door in England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales giving parents advice with where to turn properly. I also want to see a 'one stop shop' where parents can go to should they own a computer and can operate one.

Why is this important?

I have used examples from my own family law case and post adoption application for face to face contact case in FTT court which has now been appealed to Upper Tribunal out of time. I had made an application to JR but missed a part of the process. I made a video on my facebook which was posted up 5th February 17. It is now 07th February 2017 and already it has over 3k views. I was of the belief my one child had been adopted in 2006. I saw on the adoption certificate copy of my child's the family's surname had been left as it was. Then it was disclosed to me that 10 years later when they was 17 years old, their name had been corrected or changed to the adoptive parent's surname. I believe our whole family has had our human rights violated as the court order (adoption) could have been void. The said child could have been in long term foster care all along. Not all natural parent's are fortunate enough to be permitted to obtain a copy of the adoption order in the UK. You have to know the adoptive parents details. I am now concerned many more families could have suffered this same fate and had their human rights violated too. I also have a page on facebook called 'Kieron's Law' Both my child/natural child and i are now wanting the truth concerning the authenticity of their adoption and if one really did take place at all.


2017-02-08 10:46:57 +0000

10 signatures reached