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To: Kent County Council

Improve the safety of Pilgrims Way

We, the undersigned, implore Kent County council to examine the current safety of Pilgrims Way and assess what measures could be bought in to improve this.

Green Party Cllr Laura Edie
On behalf of Newtown Neighbourhood Watch

Promoted by Laura Edie, PO Box 78066, London, SE16

Why is this important?

Pilgrims Way is not only a residential road, but also houses a doctors surgery, two entrances to Hesketh park and the start of the footbridge to The Leigh Academy along the length of it.

Vulnerable patients using the health centre are put at risk when crossing this road. Before and after school, hundreds of students use this road, having to dodge the traffic. Users of Hesketh park, including young children and members of Dartford Cricket club and Hesketh park Bowls club also deserve a safer road.

- Surprisingly, there are currently no safe crossing points along the whole stretch of this road and the speed limit stands at 30mph.

- As a Newtown councillor I have spoken to local residents who advise that drivers often use this road as a cut through, tending to speed along without consideration of the children and often vulnerable pedestrians crossing over.

- Active travel such as walking and cycling should be something that is being promoted, but with such an unsafe road, people are being discouraged from using these alternatives to driving for getting around.

Residents, patients using the health centre and children walking to Hesketh park to use it's excellent facilities and The Leigh Academy have a right to feel safe when crossing over this road.

Prompt action needs to be taken by Kent County Council in the form of a safe crossing point and lowered speed limit, in order to safeguard pedestrians and reduce the likelihood of a serious injury occurring.
Pilgrims Way, Dartford DA1, UK

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