To: Lee Scott, MP for Ilford North, and Mike Gapes, MP for Ilford South

Inquiry into Ilford Police homelessness crackdown

Launch an inquiry into the treatment of homeless people in Ilford by the police and make sure such abuses cannot happen again.

Why is this important?

The aggressive attempts of Ilford police to 'reduce the negative impact of rough sleepers' resulted in people being stripped of their food and possessions, in direct contravention of basic human rights. This is not an acceptable approach to dealing with homelessness and treats those involved as though they are not protected by the same entitlements that we all are. A lot of people are trying to help those people, including those who have donated items to help support them, and sets a dangerous precedent where we treat the homeless as little more than vermin.

It is perfectly justifiable to want this decision questioned, Chief Inspector John Fish taken to task for his unacceptable explanations and firm guidelines set in place to prevent things like this happening again. Persecuting the homeless as subhuman criminals purely because their presence makes the public uncomfortable is not an acceptable way to address this long running social problem and demonstrates some terrifyingly poor judgement on the part of those involved.

Ilford, United Kingdom

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