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To: UK Government

Install The Peoples Senate

Replace the house of Lords with a 1300 seat Peoples senate. Seats to change with every general election through called upon Civil Service.

Why is this important?

The idea for a peoples senate is not a new one, however it is possibly the single most powerful way to empower the people and have them be heard.

Think of a parliament where the members are not elected but called upon to perform a civil service from a list of people who register to show they are willing to participate. (like jury duty) This parliament would be made of people from all social, racial, religious and economic backgrounds, not just those who have the money to throw at a campaign and win a popularity contest.

No matter your political views people can get behind the idea so long as they believe the people should have more say in how they are governed. This is the system that ended caste segregation in Kuthambakkam India that allowed an untouchable Elango Rangaswamy, to become mayor. It just makes more sense to have this system instead of a archaic house of Lords where right of birth is the only way to enter barring extreme wealth. This Senate could be restructured with a fresh group of representative's before every general election in order to keep it fair and stopping any individuals who would seek to try and only benefit themselves over a long term.

With this in place and with 2 times as many seats as the house of commons, we could have 2 representatives from each constituency covering all the different diverse cultures and backgrounds within the UK and putting them into one united senate with more knowledge and experience of how we the people are affected by the rulings of parliament.

How it will be delivered

At a formal event inviting members of parliament to attend and listen to presentation.


2017-06-12 00:29:05 +0100

10 signatures reached