To: Parliamentary Standards Committee.

Introduce railway-style drugs and alcohol screening and testing in Parliament and Downing Street

The sight of MPs swaying and braying boorish shouts and catcalls when the Commons is supposed to be debating serious issues is broadcast around the world.

Added to that, we have seen how Downing Street was turned into a speakeasy during the Covid lockdown. Enough already - there is no reason to subsidise parliamentarians' drink habits whilst they should be sober and doing the work we pay them to do. If a train cleaner needs to be sober to do their job, so should they.

Why is this important?

Parliament and Downing Street have been turned into a worldwide vision of chucking out time at 'Spoons. We pay £84k plus £200k in expenses for this performance: the least we should expect is the sobriety and drug-free standards we expect from railway workers.
10 Downing St, London SW1A 2AA, UK

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