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To: Jonathan Reynolds, MP for Stalybridge and Hyde. Tameside MBC.

Introduce traffic calming measures on Winterford Road, Mossley

Winterford Road in Mossley is an accident waiting to happen. Cars and bikes fly up and down in, despite the steep hill, the built up area or the weather conditions. Today that kind of driving cost us the life of our precious cat. Previously it’s cost us a £1400 vet bill and an expensive insurance claim after someone came down too fast in the snow and hit my car. Of course no-one stopped in any of those situations, no-one ever does. Who knows how many other animal lives have been cost because of it and unless traffic calming measures are introduced then one day someone will hit far worse than a cat.

Whilst it would be great to rely on people being decent human beings and driving sensibly, residents on Winterford Road will know that unfortunately that’s often not the case here on this road. We have people flying up and down all the time, sometimes for the pure fun of it.

Tonight that cost us our cat, Dusty who wasn’t even 18 months old. I’ve got a 6 year old who has cried herself to sleep after saying she thought she was going to have a heart attack because her heart hurt so much. She loved that cat more than anything. She was his favourite person and him her favourite cat. He would rub his head against hers and would come every time she called, without fail. He would purr when she just walked in the room. He would sleep in her bed every night. We had to get an extra pillow for her bed because she kept giving him hers. And now he’s gone after just 18 months of having him and she’s distraught. The pain she’s feeling might have been completely unavoidable because of course accidents happen to even the most careful drivers but with the way people fly up and down this road, one day someone will hit far worse than a cat unless measures are put in place to make this road a safer place for everyone.

Why is this important?

We need Tameside MBC to consider introducing traffic calming measures on Winterford Road to ensure not only the safety of our local pets but our local residents.

Mossley, UK

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2021-10-31 14:49:02 +0000

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2021-10-31 06:22:24 +0000

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2021-10-30 22:55:31 +0100

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