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To: Sussex Voters, Taxpayers and Residents.

Katy Bourne has failed to hold Sussex Police Chief Constables to Account.

To acknowledge the mounting evidence that Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne, has failed in her duty to hold the Sussex Police Chief Constables to account.

Evident in Brighton's The Argus newspaper:

"It is not the first time Mrs Bourne’s performance and accountability meetings – regularly talked up by Mrs Bourne and praised by the Home Secretary – have failed to live up to their name.

Far from providing the rigorous scrutiny of the force expected of the newly created commissioner role, her meetings often appear more of a platform for police to have their say or to explain things to the public. Whether this reflects Mrs Bourne’s overall robustness in holding Sussex Police to account is a question that will only grow with elections for her office looming."

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Compounded with the allegations of misconduct made by Matt Taylor, the Shadow Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, which have never been reputed or challenged by either Sussex Police or Katy Bourne; the residents and voters of Sussex must acknowledge the failure of Katy Bourne to hold the police to account and take the appropriate action to rectify it.

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Why is this important?

The Conservative government introduced elected PCC's to hold the Chief Constable of each police force in Great Britain to account. Promising transparency and accountability, each PCC is paid up to £85K a year and is provided a team of between 15-20 people costing the tax payers over £1million a year.

Having taken an oath to hold the Chief Constable to account, Katy Bourne has failed to explain why she allowed ex Chief Constable Martin Richards to retire early.

Allegations of misconduct have been made against Martin Richards, to which Katy Bourne tasked her Chief Executive Officer, Mark Streater to investigate. Its worthy of note that Mark Streater a personal friend of Martin Richards and an ex-Sussex Police officer of nearly 30 years. He found no "substantiating" evidence to back up the 14 charges of misconduct made against Martin Richards in his final year in charge.

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Sussex Police must be seen to serve and protect the residences of Sussex. It is Katy Bourne's duty to hold the Chief Constable to account if and when cases of police corruption or police misconduct arise.

Having exposed serious police corruption and misconduct since 2012, and considering Katy Bourne's silence in addressing these charges, I call on you all to sign this petition.
Sussex Police Headquarters, Church Lane, Lewes

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2017-12-26 12:30:30 +0000

10 signatures reached