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To: UK Government and Lloyd's bank

Keep Lloyds Bank Open - Tunstall

Lloyd's Bank need to reconsider their planned closure for the Tunstall Branch in Stoke-on-Trent.

Why is this important?

Lloyds Bank have announced they are shutting branches across the country, including Stoke on Trent Tunstall's last bank in the town, which is always packed and almost every business uses. 

Not everyone uses online banking, and the nearest other branch is also shutting. 

The reason for closure stated is custom has fallen 41% "nationally" not locally. 

There's numerous cash points in Tunstall on the outside of takeaways and Minimarts which have been subject to fraudulent activity and not looked after by the businesses. Many residents don't feel safe to use these and shutting this local bank with internal ATM's and staff to help withdraw funds will only increase the likelihood of people falling for these cash point scammers.

I am the vice chair of  the Tunstall Town Centre Community Association and I've been asked start a petition to keep our last bank open. 

CLLR Din for Tunstall and David Williams MP have been notified and will support the petition. 
Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent ST6, UK

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2025-02-04 00:06:33 +0000

100 signatures reached

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