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Keep UK Tax allowance for Expats

Dear Sir
Concerning the Removal of Personal Allowances on UK sourced income for expatriates.
Question 5.1 We strongly agree that the removal of allowances should NOT apply to British citizens with strong economic ties to the UK as we have
Questions 5.2, 6.1 The removal of the UK personal allowance against tax would seriously reduce our income and of many British Citizens in the EU. It would further increase the difficulties of completing any tax return in France and a full compensation will not be made anyway. The content of Questions 5.2 & Q 6.1 are too difficult ā€“ too bureaucratic and complex for us to consider.
Question 6.2 ā€“ For those who are required by law to have pensions taxed in the UK, it would be unfair to remove the personal allowance and also cause the poorer pensioners to suffer serious hardships, especially those who only have a meagre state pension.
Question 6.3 ā€“ Many people on quite modest incomes derived from the UK would have to pay much larger tax bills by this suggestion with NO compensation possible.
James Forrest

Why is this important?

The removal of allowances would become intolerable for many British Citizens who have taken advantage of the EU Right of freedom of movement and to live in in another EU country. Therefore, we appeal to you to drop the concept of restriction of the personal allowance for non-residents, especially those who only have a meagre UK state pension.
People with incomes from small UK businesses may decide to close the business and move it to another country. Landlords would probably just put up the rent to cover the cost. We can only see negative outcomes from this move in addition to ill-will from expats around the world and a poor image for the UK Government and apparent discrimination of expats.


2014-09-26 10:19:05 +0100

500 signatures reached

2014-09-06 14:37:21 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-09-06 10:18:05 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-09-06 08:59:21 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-09-06 07:51:01 +0100

10 signatures reached