100 signatures reached
To: Erewash Borough Council and Long Eaton Town Deal Board
Let Long Eaton People Have Their Say About Town Centre Changes

Towns fund projects are being cancelled without any public consultation. A key cycle and foot bridge over the canal at Britannia Road has already gone, and the Cinema/Arts Centre is on the chopping board. Meanwhile plans to turn Long Eaton green roundabout into traffic lights (losing the trees), and close the high street to disabled drivers and repave it, are being prioritised before the public have been consulted on the detailed plans. Please tell local people in detail about how their town will look and what facilities the town will have if these four projects are completed. Tell people about the option of building the Cinema/Arts Centre on the former market site, next to Beaconsfield Street Car Park. In the event that inflation means that not all of the projects can be afforded, let local residents have a say about which projects go forward.
Why is this important?
The nearly £25 million of Towns Fund which has been allocated to Long Eaton represents significant change for Long Eaton. Please sign this petition and make sure local people have an informed say about these changes.