To: UK Government

Let’s Stop EACOP UK

EACOP…. #stopeacopuk The largest climate bomb of our generation Little reminder, the East African Crude Oil Pipeline is the new baby of Total which is about to see the light of day between Tanzania and Uganda: the drilling of 400 oil wells, including 130 drilled in the largest and the oldest natural park in Africa, a heated pipeline over 1443 km (the distance between Brussels and Madrid) 35 million t C02/year over 20 years, 100,000 displaced people and local associations that alert on violations of human rights.

Why is this important?

It would lead to 34 million tons of CO2 emitted each year, roughly seven times the total annual
emissions of Uganda, when science is very clear: we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground.

The latest IPCC report just confirmed that we can't continue expansion of new fossil fuel projects without putting life on Earth at risk.