To: HRH Queen Elizabeth

Make Good Friday A Compulsory Bank Holiday

Dear Queen Elizabeth,

May I first say a huge congratulations on celebrating your platinum jubilee this weekend. It has been wonderful seeing the UK unite and given us all a new ray of hope.

Over these celebration the UK has been generously given an extra official bank holiday which has been amazing.

However having not long celebrated the Easter Holidays it came to my attention that Good Friday is not by law an official bank holiday and it is only Easter Sunday that is. As it is technically not a bank holiday under the original law that was passed, banks and other public services are generally open as usual.

This left me shocked and stunned as Christians all across the world including Your Royal Highness remember’s our King Jesus Christ being crucified on the cross for all of our sins.

I do not think I need to point out the irony of this fact and the timing of which I write this statement.

The UK needs to embrace all of the amazing cultures and people that now makes it.
But the UK also must not sell out its own faith to people please others.

This is why I call for Good Friday to be re instated as a legal bank holiday and given the same legal status and Easter Monday.

I ask for you to think and pray on this matter and to give it your up most attention and action as this is some thing that is heavy on our countries heart.

Kind regards,
Jessica Godfrey

Why is this important?

I completely respect all faiths and beliefs even if I don’t agree with them.

Everyone of us has the right to practice freely their own person prayer’s and rituals where ever they are on Earth.

I believe in democracy, debate and freedom of speech regardless of my own faith. I may not agree with a word somebody says but I will fight for their right to say it!
For me this bible verse speaks a billion words.
The Holy Bible
Luke 23:26