To: Ian Levy

Make it a legal requirement for drivers to report collisions with cat

Amend legislation to make it a legal requirement for a driver to stop & report accidents involving cats.

Why is this important?

The impact on a persons' mental health when their cat is hit by a car can be profound and devastating, and cat owners should be entitled to the same due process afforded to dog owners.

Under section 170 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, a driver is required to stop & report accidents involving specific animals including dogs, but not cats. This requirement arises from their status as working animals rather than as domestic pets, but many dogs are pets, not working animals.

Motorists should be required to report collisions with cats in the same way as collisions with dogs, so that the cat's owners can be informed. Many cat owners feel excluded by the law.

This needs to be changed especially as all cats must be chipped by 2024.