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To: Stuart Andrew Mister for Housing , Boris Johnson Prime Minister

Make solar panels Compulsory on all new building in the UK

ALL new buildings should have solar by law, indeed all all suitable roofs should have solar generation capacity. We need the energy -its free and its green.
Development companies make obscene profits so would be easily able to fund this investment in our country and their future success

Why is this important?

This is so important as we are seeing a crisis in energy prices showing how vulnerable the UK is to world market fluctuations. We need to increase our own UK clean energy production capacity to keep people and business supplied at an affordable price and to cut our carbon emissions and fight global warming Win win all round.

United Kingdom

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2022-02-18 17:34:38 +0000

25 signatures reached

2022-02-14 18:34:21 +0000

10 signatures reached