To: Broadcasters, Financiers, Studios, Production Companies, Crew, Educational Authorities

Make the Mark Milsome Foundation Film and TV Online Safety Passport Course Mandatory

In 2020 the Mark Milsome Foundation launched an industry wide survey relating to 'Modern Health and Safety in the Film and TV industry in the UK'. 5,000 responses, comments and related concerns delivered the following Key findings.
63% Believe the current H&S regulations need improving.
20% Do not believe H&S is adequate at all.
84% Say working hours, sleep deprivation, driving whilst tired was main H&S concern
80% Believe budget restrictions are to blame for poor H&S
22% Only, say UK productions ‘always’ respect regulations

Response to a proposal for a Mark Milsome Foundation Film and TV Online Safety Passport course showed that 72% of respondents would voluntarily support and enrol on the course to reduce serious injury and death in the industry, a further 22% said they would take the course it if it became mandatory, delivering a potential 94% of responses saying they would take the course.

With the above information, Kirk Jones - Mark Milsome Foundation Chairman, spent two years researching, writing and delivering the Mark Milsome Foundation - Film & TV Online Safety Passport Course in December 2021 with the support of the National Film and Television School and Media Safety Ltd

Those who have seen the course are already calling for it to become mandatory. This petition hopes to keep track of that support moving forward.

"Mark would still be with us today if this course had existed in 2017. I strongly urge all crew and, very importantly, production, to take this course and make the industry a safer place. This should absolutely become an industry standard and become mandatory".
Mark's wife - Andra Milsome

Why is this important?

In October 2020, the closing statement at the coroners inquest into Mark's death, (operating his camera when a car stunt went tragically wrong) concluded:

"…Shortly before the execution of the stunt, the risk of Mr Milsome being harmed or fatally injured was not effectively recognised, assessed, communicated or managed…."

This course has been researched, written and produced to make sure that no one ever dies on a Film or TV set again because a risk was not effectively recognised, assessed, communicated or managed.

How it will be delivered

The petition will be used to gauge the appetite of the industry to make the Mark Milsome Foundation - Film and TV Online Safety Passport course Mandatory. for updates please visit.