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To: Goverment

Make the production, sale and use of cannabis legal.

I want to make the production, sale and use of cannabis legal.

Why is this important?

A substance that is safer than alcohol, and has many uses. It is believed to have been used by humans for over 4000 years, being made illegal in the UK in 1925.

Many people everyday use and smoke cannabis in some form of way there has not been one reported death on using cannabis alone. The death toll on caffeine alone is higher than the ZERO death toll on cannabis so how is it a young person can walk in to a shop and buy a energy drink full of caffeine? The death toll on alcohol is higher than the cannabis death toll yet this is allow to be brought in a shop? Places where cannabis is legalized faces no extra problems people like me struggle to cope in this world without cannabis. Cannabis stops my anxiety and brings my stress levels to a 0. Many people have to deal with drug dealers and go in to danger because they want to buy a cure to there problems why should people in the UK have to deal with that when other places can walk in to a shop and buy cannabis. If you spent just a day looking at cannabis and how helpful it is you would understand that it is not a drug thats harmful I have watched hours of documentaries and read many facts about cannbis and theres not one thing that turns me away from believing that cannbis is a number one cure to many problems. I here many storys about people who are epileptic and how cannbis helps them and I have seen many old people who have chronic pains where cannbis helps them why is this drug that helps so many people illegal. Not only does it help peoples problems it would would raise £1bn a year in taxes.

Also don't come back and say "Cannabis has the capacity to damage people’s mental and physical health, and harms both individuals and communities." Because people I know have stopped suicide thoughts and had a better mental state when taking cannbis

Also dont say "Substantial scientific evidence shows cannabis is a harmful drug that can damage human health" Because I know for a fact theres been many scientific proven facts for why cannabis is a useful drug.

"Stimulating Appetite, Nausea and Vomiting, Pain Relief, Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Muscle Tension and Spasm, Autoimmune Diseases, Antitumor Properties. Just a few things cannabis has been proven to help with.

United Kingdom

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2017-09-08 15:59:33 +0100

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