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To: Matthew Pennycook

Matthew Pennycook, make Co-housing a mainstream housing option!

Table the inclusion of Co-housing and Co-operatives in the Labour as mainstream components of the Government's Housing Strategy

Why is this important?

Communities are disintegrating, young familes and older pensioners are finding it difficult to find suitable, affordable, permanent housing because of the influx of landlords buying-up housing for profit. 

Making provisions for Government backed finance for building or converting local properties for rental to the members who run and administer a Co-housing settlement or Housing Co-operative can create hundreds of local homes in multigenerational communities.

These can be infvolved from the start, in identifying sites, applying for planning permission, obtaining outline funding agreement from a bank or Building society. backed by a Government guarantee. The members of the constituted Limited Company, CIC, Co-operative or other suitable organisation, can then liaise with Architetcts, Consultants builders etc. as the Client.

This would creates local jobs in construction as well as care jobs, where Retirement Co-housing units are included for local people who, in time, will develop care needs. It would benefit local workforce, incouding workers' co-operatives, that would be employed by these Member-owned and run Housing Entities, cutting out employment Agencies, in collaboration with local Social Care services, for planning, recruitment, managemet and scheduling of staff.

This can work very well where additional needs esist, like language competencies suited to the community they serve and creating care jobs for tmembers of the same co-housing comunities, to provide inclusive care and support built in from the start. 

And it can all be comunally managed by members joining and serving on the management and sub-committees  on a rota basis.
United Kingdom

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2025-01-05 13:10:09 +0000

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2025-01-03 21:39:15 +0000

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