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To: Sadi Khan, Major of London

Neuro divergent Friendly Spaces

Public spaces to be adjusted to prevent over stimulation that can lead to panic attacks and meltdowns. Softer lights where possible, free ear plugs on the transport system, free diagnosis not expensive private fees, special times to enter stores & libraries, automatic lights - taps - doors, more softer sitting. Adjustments extended to places of education, work & worship; bars, restaurants and social venues.

Why is this important?

There are many within the autistic community who strife to have a better quality of life, yet trying to engage with society is a challenge. Many neurotypical people expect neuro divergent individuals to " change their behaviour ", when it's society that hasn't created the appropriate environments for neuro divergent people to thrive in the first place.


2022-03-07 14:30:34 +0000

10 signatures reached