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To: Labour Government

New Government House Building Promises for Homeless

As  part of the government's plans to build 1.5 million homes over the next 5 years Brighton and Hove City Council and our MP Chris Ward will be forming a group to oversee these plans locally.

We, the residents of this city (including homeless and rough sleepers,) would respectfully request Jim Deans from Sussex Homeless Support CIO be part of this group. Having had 10 years providing grass roots experience / frontline services to some of the city's most vulnerable residents we believe he is well placed to serve on this board.

Why is this important?

The Labour Government under Harold Wilson built over 500,000 homes a year most were council homes, since then the numbers have dropped ever year despite whichever government were in power under Margret Thatcher homes were sold off at pennies of the value but no new homes were built. Our new Labour Government has made bold statement about building Social and Affordable homes, It does seem like they really are going to tackle the biggest issue facing the country and Brighton & Hove as a Labour stronghold should be leading by example. It does have the second biggest homeless and housing crisis outside London and you are far more likely to be found dead and homeless in this city than any other city. Homeless is the biggest drain on the Tax Payers Purse so there is real financial reasons to get on and solve the crisis. We need people with lived experience to be involved in the solution as the past has proven "Homelessness" to be a big cash cow for many businesses, charities and projects. We need people who do not have a financial axe to grind involved, people who want Homelessness, couch surfing, overcrowding and rough sleeping ended.
Brighton and Hove, UK

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