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To: Abellio (London & Surrey)

New service provider for the 90 bus route

I would like to request that Abellio (London & Surrey) should place at least 4 tenders to take over the 90 bus route which runs between Northolt and Feltham, as well as getting new double deck buses and improve the frequency to every 5-7 minutes.

Why is this important?

Hundreds of commuters use this bus service from Northolt and are fed up with the current service provider Metroline because the quality of service has been poor for a number of years. Single deckers have been used at busy times (when they are only meant to be using double Deckers), drivers driving erratically, using old buses and buses not coming for at least 20mins most of the time. As well as this buses have been terminating at Yeading lane at busy periods such as in the mornings and in the afternoon rush hour. Many complaints have been made to Metroline and tfl, but there have been no further improvements. Abellio (London & Surrey) currently runs the E9 bus route between Ealing Broadway and Yeading Barnhill Estate from which they have taken over from Metroline, since doing so I feel that the service has dramatically improved, which is why I feel they would be the best company to take over the route. In addition to this Abellio (London & Surrey) already has a garage in Hayes, which the bus route 90 passes through. The reason I am asking for new buses is due to the fact the the old buses currently used are causing a nuisance especially on Kingshill Avenue as the old buses are very loud and they cause vibrations on the road which causes cracks to appear in houses (including mine).

How it will be delivered

I plan to deliver this petition by personally emailing Abellio (London & Surrey) with the link to the petition and by emailing the signatures to them.

Northolt UB5

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2019-09-19 00:11:35 +0100

10 signatures reached