To: The Home Secretary

New visa rules urgently required for foreign students studying in the UK

Please re-open the UK's doors to foreign students studying higher education and English. As pointed out in the Times the number remaining in the UK after their courses were completed has been grossly over stated; therefore their contribution to net immigration is negligible; yet their financial and academic contributions are significant.

Why is this important?

Extrapolating figures drawn from the Office of National Statistics for 2017, foreign students studying in the UK would have brought in £28B in revenue if, on heavily flawed research, the Prime Minister (whilst Home Secretary) hadn't withdrawn tens of thousands of student visas. Often the brightest and the best apply to study in the UK - their research; remains and belongs to UK Institutions after they return home! This R&D makes the UK one of the most innovative countries in the World! £28B per year and free leading edge research; please review the visa requirements for foreign students studying in the UK.
Then there is the human factor - impoverished villages around the Globe sell everything they have just to get one child a UK education, in the hope that on their return, now with much improved job prospects, they can financially support the entire village. It is these students that were hurt most when they were deported, without compensation, merely through a hurried and thoughtless visa change.