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To: Priti Patel, U.K. Home Secretary


This Government’s proposal to send all asylum-seekers to Rwanda is dangerous and inhumane to all people seeking refuge in the U.K.

It is also potentially lethal for LGBTQI+ people fleeing from persecution to the U.K. While Rwanda does not outlaw same-sex relationships, there are no laws that protect LGBTQI+ people, and the country is deemed unsafe for people in our community by the U.K. Foreign Office.

Why is this important?

Newcastle has a proud culture of welcoming new arrivals, and we believe our diversity makes our city stronger and more vibrant.

We’re calling on the U.K. Government to drop this discriminatory and inhumane policy completely, and particularly for LGBTQI+ people.
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

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2022-07-23 12:23:14 +0100

10 signatures reached