To the Teaching Staff & Head of Brunswick Primary:

It has recently been brought to the parent's attention that the Children will be separated at the end of this school year.

We cannot speak for every year group or indeed all parents, but we can speak for those in co - signing with this petition.

In short, we feel that the children are only now settling into some level of continuity and confidence with their surroundings and emotional attachments.

We do not have any explanation as to the rational behind this practice of splitting classes, were some have speculated it’s the method to separate a few disruptive individuals, from their normality, we feel it an injustice to the many.

The bonds being formed now are at a delicate age and of immense importance to the children.
The bonds also do not stop at the school gets but go beyond to the parents and to the community being formed.

The years to come will undoubtedly show the children how to deal with new faces and characters and sudden fractures of friendships without the play of life showing its inevitability today.

We wish the children to remain within the incubus of their current state of security and learning.

Signed by

Why is this important?

For the continued developmental confidence of the children, to stay within their current class.
Somerhill Rd, Hove BN3 1RP, UK

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