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To: The Mayor of Lewisham

Nordic Walking in Lewisham

Nordic walking (walking with poles) was introduced in the year that we hosted the Olympic games in London as part of an NHS initiative to help people get healthy and prevent obesity.
Nordic walking consisted of free sessions to learn the technique of walking with poles and then free walking sessions with other people who had already learned how to Nordic walk. During both types of sessions, equipment is loaned also free of charge.
The fact that it was a free NHS service encouraged people to give it a try and help themselves get healthier and prevent the need for expensive hospital admissions and treatment, thereby saving the NHS a lot of money, time and resources.

Enable has taken over the running of the London Borough of Lewisham contracts which includes “Nordic Walking “ and they have introduced a charge for what was a free NHS service.
In order to gain this contract, they will have submitted an estimate, and have this agreed with the London Borough of Lewisham.
Are they now stating that they have not fully costed the contract and that they wish for users of the Nordic Walking scheme to pay for their mistake?
The activity under this scheme is for the use of the London Borough of Lewisham Council Taxpayers, which is how they pay for their services.
To begin with, could we know, please.
Why is this now being charged?
Why has Enable not done their due diligence in costing their contracts?
Why are they now pursuing Lewisham Nordic Walkers to cover what they have omitted in their costing to the London Borough of Lewisham?

Why is this important?

Why we need to stop this charge.
If this charge is made then people won’t try the service and won’t improve their health. In turn, there will be an increased need for expensive hospital admissions and treatment due to poorer health and obesity, thereby costing the NHS a lot of money, time and resources.

1 Catford Broadway, London SE6 4RU, UK

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