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To: Cllr Alison Gerrard, Mayor of Northwich

Northwich 100% clean energy by 2050

Commit Northwich Town Council to a policy of zero carbon energy.

Why is this important?

It reflects international aspirations but tells our national and global leaders that our community is ahead of them in our desire to leave fossil fuels in the ground. It is accepted that we cannot burn 70-80% of the fossil fuels we have in known reserves, yet we continue to subsidise the fossil fuel industries. It makes no sense. Future reserves, from fracking for example, would simply add to a pool of fuel we should not and indeed cannot, use.We still burn coal for electricity generation, yet a recent EU report reveals that pollution from this costs the NHS £80 million per annum, let alone the suffering of those affected by the pollution.
If our town commits to this, at a time when it is being modernised, it can show itself to be forward looking and to be developing away from its former 19th century self.

How it will be delivered

In person to the mayor


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2015-02-16 11:15:30 +0000

Petition due for delivery 2 March to Town Council. Need more of the 1000 local members to get behind this rae chance to make an impact.

2015-02-16 11:04:56 +0000

10 signatures reached