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To: Ian Duncan Smith - DWP

Occupational Pension - Benefits.

Stop taxing occupational pensions for people who are receiving benefits,

Why is this important?

Currently people who receive benefits are being indirectly taxed if they also receive an Occupational Pension. This is simply not right. Pensions are there to provide for people not to be a subsidy for governments to renege on their commitments to assist people on Benefits/Low Wages etc.. If the threshold of pension(s) received is less than the benefit then people should be allowed to keep that benefit intact and the pension. Otherwise why would people want to take out pensions if they are to lose them when they need them the most.

This government consistently says it's declaring war on benefit cheats. They themselves are the ones cheating. It's simply time to do right. At a time when they are fighting to stop the 'Robin Hood Tax' from being levied it is time that the government let up on people existing on benefits & showed some common sense. They want us to have pensions yet when we do they want to take them back again.


2014-10-07 03:44:08 +0100

10 signatures reached