To: Ofgem, ukgovernment

Ofgem reapply last November's pricecap

Millions of citizens are and will suffer, maybe even die, as a direct result of removing the energy price cap. The energy companies are making billions of pounds in profit, which mainly goes to shareholders and directors, it's not put back into providing new pipework, green energy or into lowering prices where it needs to be. Ofgem please Reinstate the energy price cap to where it was in November 2021 and for the energy providers to immediately reduce their prices.
Ukgov ensure that the price cap remains in place and use a windfall tax to claw back someone the obscene profits the energy companies have made in the last year and use that money to update some of the network.

Why is this important?

Millions of citizens are and will suffer, maybe even die, as a direct result of removing the energy price cap. The energy companies are making billions of pounds in profit, which mainly goes to shareholders and directors, it's not put back into providing new pipework, green energy or into lowering prices where it needs to be. Ofgem please Reinstate the energy price cap to where it was in November 2021 and for the energy providers to immediately reduce their prices.

This is extremely important for the good of the whole country, nobody can afford the obscene prices that are now being charged. It will be forcing families to choose between heating and eating and people will die as a direct result. As usual, the poorest will suffer the most, but everyone will suffer if we don't stop these obscene price hikes in their tracks. It is time for the British people to stand up and fight back. Stop these greedy parasites from killing, now.