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To: Birley spa academy

Parents against uniform change in 2022

We the parents of Birley Spa Academy are not happy with the proposed uniform change . During the consultation period we was told only the outer wear would be changing (cardigan/jumper) and the earliest this would be implemented would be 2023.
We have received a letter stating that now 3 items will change , the tshirt , outerwear and the gingham dresses and as well as the date being brought forward by one year .
This is not enough time for some families who have neither the funds nor the capacity to change their child’s entire uniform .
Many parents no longer buy new uniform each September and replace items only when required due to damage or a growth spurt .
By changing 3 items you are pushing Families into hardship . Supermarkets sell a 2 pack for less than half the price of the price suggested by purchasing uniform through school and due to new legislation school cannot request for all items to bear a logo and in the current climate this should be optional and kept to a minimum number of items ideally one item .

We wish for the original date of 2023 to be honoured and parents consulted again over the number of items that will change .

Why is this important?

You are pushing families into hardship and have gone against the consultation period that you asked parents and children to support
Jermyn Cres, Sheffield S12 4QE, UK

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2022-05-27 13:34:24 +0100

10 signatures reached