To: Jeremy Wright MP

People in park homes being left out of the energy rebate

Park homes to receive the £400 energy rebate.

Why is this important?

Dear Mr Wright ,

It has come to the attention of many park homeowners, who have electricity meters but pay the money to the Landlord, who holds the energy account, that we are to be left out of the £400 rebate. This is totally unfair as the government stated ‘everyone will receive it'. Park home living is expensive. We have no gas mains and our heating in LPG . Why can we not receive the rebate through those accounts which are individual? Again as one on a very low income and maybe thousands of others we are being penalised ! This is just not fair ! We need you to sort this for all park home owners.

Everyone was promised they would receive the rebate, and as usual the Government of the day has done a u-turn on its promise! They just cannot be trusted!