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To: The Chancellor of The Exchequer, Rt. Hon George Osborne & the leaders of Greater Manchester's ten local authorities

The people of Greater Manchester must have right to a say & vote on 'Devo Manc'

We call for the "Greater Manchester Agreement: devolution to the GMCA & Transition to a directly elected Mayor" and any other such future plans for 'devolution' affecting the people of the area, following a sufficient period of public debate, and scrutiny of the Agreement, to be put to a Greater Manchester wide REFERENDUM, BEFORE it, or any other future devolution proposal, is implemented.

Why is this important?

Ordinary people must surely have the basic democratic right to be consulted, scrutinise, and have a say in ANY changes, welcome or otherwise, to the way they are governed, including on any regional 'devolution' proposal affecting them. This would include whether they actually want it or not, and if they do, such things as what region they might be part of, and what any "devolved" decision making powers and financial settlement might go with it.

The 'Greater Manchester Agreement' does not provide for any of these things, but rather the very opposite, the entire 'devolution package' being conditional on the imposition on the people of Greater Manchester, without any reference to their views on the subject whatsoever, of a directly elected Mayor for Greater Manchester; a form of local Government, which other than in one of Greater Manchester's 10 local authority areas, has been either directly rejected by voters, or by local Councils themselves for their own areas.

There are also many other financial arrangements that will come into effect, the details of, and full implications of which, could have considerable impact on everyone's lives, but which, without the proper public scrutiny the 'Greater Manchester Agreement' denies, every one of us will have to put up with for potentially many years to come, whatever the Greater Manchester public thinks about it.

Such an apparent contempt for the views of Greater Manchester residents is simply unacceptable in our opinion.

We believe that any transitional arrangements for the Agreement's implementation, including the appointment of an interim Mayor (who could remain in place until 2017) should be immediately stopped, and only re-started, if at all, on the basis of a positive mandate from a referendum as called for and outlined above.
Greater Manchester

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2015-09-25 00:35:31 +0100

Architects of the Greater Manchester DEVOLUTION deals and NORTHERN POWERHOUSE plans, described as “a REVOLUTION in government” by George Osborne, intend to change our lives.

But the overwhelming majority of people don’t even know it’s happening.

DEVOLUTION REVOLUTION - This changes everything!

Tuesday 6th October, 18.30 to 21.00
Methodists Central Hall, Oldham Street, Manchester M1 1JQ

With interactive questions, debate, voting, challenging food for thought, proposals for action and more.

Supported by:
Greater Manchester Referendum Campaign, Manchester People’s Assembly, 38 degrees Manchester, Equality North West, Manchester Assemblies for Democracy, Manchester Trades Council, Unlock Democracy Manchester, GMATUC and others.

2015-09-25 00:30:47 +0100

Public Meeting - Friday 25th September - LEVENSHULME

Concerns about Devo Manc:
Northern Powerhouse or Northern Power Cut?

Labour MP for Manchester Gorton Gerald Kaufman will be speaking at this meeting to discuss the concerns around Devo Manc on Friday from 7.00pm at the Inspire Centre in Levenshulme, Manchester.

Also speaking will be Emma Runswick from Save our NHS and the meeting will be chaired by Gorton Against Poverty's Caroline Martin.

The meeting is being supported by Greater Manchester Unite Community Branch, Manchester TUC and Greater Manchester Referendum Campaign.

Photo: Manchester Evening News

2015-03-06 14:36:56 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2015-02-17 01:13:25 +0000

2015-02-17 01:10:42 +0000

Crumpsall survey shows 95% of people agree with the call for a referendum on the Devo Manc deal. 76% also said they would prefer a wider North West devolution settlement rather than a Greater Manchester one.

2015-02-17 01:02:34 +0000

Print off copies of our printed petition sheets and ask your family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues to sign up to the call for a referendum, and encourage others to do the same. Also to make sure completed ones are returned to the address provided.


2015-02-17 00:59:27 +0000


Invite your Facebook friends to 'Like' our campaign's Facebook page at

Write/e-mail your local Ward Councillors, MP, and local press to ask them why there has been no public consultation or scrutiny of Devo Manc deal, and why if it is as good a deal as our Council leaders make out, the people of Greater Manchester are to be denied a referendum on it, and is simply going to be imposed on them whether they like it or not?

2015-02-17 00:57:43 +0000

New facebook group for all supporters of our referendum campaign. Please join if you want to get involved or can help.

2015-02-17 00:56:18 +0000

PRESS RELEASE: Crumpsall survey shows public overwhelmingly support call for referendum on Devo Manc campaigners say!

2014-12-28 20:59:46 +0000

500 signatures reached

2014-12-16 12:40:17 +0000

It was agreed at a first meeting of campaigners opposed to the imposition of the Devo Manc deal on the people of Greater Manchester, and who support the call for a referendum on it before it is implemented, that we should shorten the wording of this petition to that above. Other than shortening it, its content and meaning remain the same as previous in calling for a referendum on the Devo Manc deal.

The meeting at which the decision was made was hosted by the Manchester People's Assembly Against Austerity, and attended by representatives of the Greater Manchester Association of Trades Union Councils, Manchester, Bolton, Salford & Rochdale TUCs, Unite Greater Manchester Pensioners, Manchester, Bury & Rochdale Green Party and others.

2014-11-16 22:25:54 +0000

100 signatures reached

2014-11-14 13:54:50 +0000

Hadn't intended to go live with this yet, as not everyone who has said they want to get involved in a campaign around this, has had the chance to say if they're happy with the wording yet. We were wanting to launch it once we've put together a big list of prominent Greater Manchester residents (including celebs, faith leaders, academics, etc) prepared to put their names to it.

2014-11-14 11:11:29 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-11-13 19:13:33 +0000

25 signatures reached