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To: GSTT Central Services - Essentia Management

Petition for the Reopening of Dunhill Fitness Centre

I hope this message finds you well. We are writing to bring your attention to the ongoing issue surrounding the closure of Dunhill Fitness Centre (DFC) and to request your support in our collective effort to reopen this facility.

Over the past two years, there have been inquiries about the possibility of reopening DFC, especially in light of the Evelina Hospital expansion being suspended, which was the primary reason for the initial closure. Despite the confirmation that the gym is fully equipped and ready for use by hospital staff, Central Services, in collaboration with Essentia, has chosen to keep the space closed, leaving it unused to the detriment of staff well-being.

The reopening of DFC holds significant potential for the integrated service of the hospital, serving as a walk-in center for preventative care and GP referral.

Sadly staff members have lost a very convenient access to a gym facility on both sites.

Recognizing the impact on our colleagues, we believe that reopening DFC would address this gap and contribute to the well-being of the staff.

It is perplexing to us why the DFC Gym and two squash courts remain closed, especially when there are qualified staff members at Thomas Guy Club to run and manage the facilities.

In 2017, the closure of the gym at Guy's Hospital was mitigated by the idea that our colleagues could access facilities at both sites, a benefit proudly advertised to newly signed NHS colleagues.

Despite regular emails emphasizing the importance of well-being within the Trust, it appears that Central Services is not fully supporting the well-being department.
Rather than promoting the use of gym equipment that could benefit staff, there have been observations of attempts to dispose of such equipment.

DFC boasts modern cardio equipment, spinning bikes, bulk equipment, free weights, and more, which could significantly enhance the well-being of GSTT staff.

To address these concerns, we have initiated a petition within the Trust to collect signatures, urging Essentia management to reconsider the closure and promote health and well-being for all GSTT staff.

Why is this important?

We invite you and your colleagues to sign this petition. With the collective collaboration of everyone involved, we hope to see the Dunhill Fitness Centre gym open in 2024.

We look forward to a positive resolution that aligns with the values of promoting health and well-being for all GSTT staff.

Thank you for your support.

London EC4R 9HA, UK

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2024-02-05 09:20:53 +0000

100 signatures reached

2024-02-02 21:42:09 +0000

50 signatures reached

2024-02-02 18:58:01 +0000

25 signatures reached

2024-02-02 18:15:12 +0000

10 signatures reached