To: UK Government

Police Brutality & Corruption

Public Enquiry into Corruption, Gross Negligence & Miscarriages if Justice in Kent Policeforce Now!

Why is this important?

Are they waiting for the next Sarah Everard’s body to be found, taped, murdered, set on fire, cut up & dumped in rubble bags in the woods or are we saying NO to mysoginy, NO to physical & verbal abuse & NO to the Gross Neglect & Harrassment of whistle blowers by both Alan Pughsley & The Conservative PCC since 2015. We demand that both Mr Pughsley & the PCC for Kent are suspended from duties immediately and that aboth a male & female feminist act as interims until the next PCC election & pending the results of the enquiry. If the findings are correct, Pughsley to be stripped of his Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Award immediately.

Kent, UK

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