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To: Government and the NHS

Prevent Autism diagnoses being reduced under NHS plan

Pledge that they will not only diagnose severe autistism. That the government and NHS will diagnose all people on the Autistic spectrum based on the criteria currently used and support them during/post diagnosis through the current practitioners now.

Why is this important?

Would you only diagnose the most severe broken bones and forget about the rest? Does that not seem stupid. Then why would the NHS do this with autism?
This has a major impact on children, adults and their families. Without a diagnosis it leads to fewer resources and funding available to those who would have been diagnosed prior to this plan. When people are on the spectrum and even before diagnosis they and their families often experience discrimation and this is another example of discrimating against them. People on the autistic spectrum are 7 times more likely to get expelled. This plan is another clear message being sent out from the government and NHS that they are a naughty child when in fact they are autistic. Ultimately it will let every child and adult who would have been diagnosed down in an enormous manor. It really does not advocate or raise awareness of autism in fact it does the complete opposite. With help people on the autistic spectrum can achieve their full potential surely we want to have an inclusive country who is forward thinking?

United Kingdom

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2017-05-27 19:48:29 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-05-27 07:25:44 +0100

10 signatures reached