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To: Honourable Stephen Crabb MP (Secretary for Work and Pensions)

Professionalize PIP Assessments

I AM ASKING THE HONOURABLE GENTLEMAN TO DO A VERY HONOURABLE THING. Having watched 'DISPATCHES' (11/04) I am appalled at the totally unprofessional way Disability Assessments are carried out and urge Mr Crabb to professionalise this important work. i.e that it should be carried out by Civil Servants or professional people who are already skilled at interviewing vulnerable people.

Why is this important?

Please watch DISPATCHES if you can. At present the people doing this work are employed by Capita and the emphasis appears to be on getting as many assessments completed in as little time as possible, with little regard to 'duty of care' or the personal impact on vulnerable people.


2016-04-12 09:07:54 +0100

10 signatures reached