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To: Professor Stephen Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking - please talk directly to Trump on Climate Change

Professor Hawking: Please enter into a public, face-to-face explanatory dialogue with Donald Trump on climate change, in the hope that Trump's attitude to celebrity will force him to listen to you in a way that he would not listen to anyone else.

Why is this important?

The President Elect of the USA is a climate change denier, intent on withdrawing from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and lifting environmental restrictions on the fossil fuel industries.

His disastrous intentions literally endanger life on this planet. His mind must be changed.

A man who cannot take advice and does not like to read is unlikely to heed any factual evidence brought to him through traditional research, which he is unlikely to undertake in the first place.

He does however respond to the idea of popularity and understands the power created by celebrity.

While there is zero chance the rest of us will get through to him, there is a possibilty he may listen to the man who commands perhaps the greatest intellectual respect on the planet.

Therefore with infinite respect, we call on Professor Stephen Hawking.

Professor Hawking: We ask you to immediately insist on a one-on-one meeting with Donald Trump, and personally present him with the case for action against climate change.

Play the time-lapse movies; explain the hockey stick graph: talk him through the processes that create meteorological extremes; use whatever means you and the scientific community can muster to illuminate and prove the accuracy of the data, but please do it face to face, in a publicised situation where your unique celebrity means Trump cannot refuse you an audience, or fail to afford you the respect the rest of the world already owes you. Tell him he needs to change his policies, and why. To his face.

There is almost zero chance he will listen to anyone else: he might listen to you.

Thank you.


2016-11-16 21:14:15 +0000

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