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To: The Leader of Walsall Council

Protect the Independent Living Fund in Walsall

Campaign Update: My Son was awarded his ILF care and support funding for 1 year but there is still uncertainty beyond this.

Please ring-fence Independent Living Fund so that severely disabled people in Walsall, like my Son Michael, can continue to receive the care and support that they need to live independently, to be kept safe and to stay well.

Why is this important?

If ILF funding is not ring-fenced, the money could be used to "plug holes" elsewhere in the council's budget.

We believe disabled people have the right to the same chances in life as the non-disabled. We don't want to be forced into institutions - we want the support to live full lives in our own homes.

This is a small request when you consider all the other things that "life" has already denied the disabled.

How it will be delivered

Deliver in person.

Walsall, West Midlands

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2015-02-17 19:58:32 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-01-08 13:41:11 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-01-07 18:09:34 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-01-05 20:32:24 +0000

10 signatures reached