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To: The UK Government

Protect people during the heatwave

Photo by Lucian on Unsplash
Ensure everyone has access to emergency support such as shelter and water during the heatwave by making sure:
- All councils activate the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) to protect vulnerable groups like rough sleepers and the elderly
- Water companies that ration water provide emergency supplies to everyone affected during a heatwave

Why is this important?

Right now, we’re facing a heat emergency: water is being rationed, schools are closing, and vulnerable people are at extreme risk. But the government hasn’t brought in emergency measures to help people during an amber health alert.

Everyone is talking about the heat, and it’s all over the news. Now is the time for us to make our voices heard by telling the Government to protect us by making sure emergency water supplies are provided by water companies and that protocols for extreme weather are activated.


2023-06-15 09:20:46 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached