To: Surrey County council

Put lights back on at night

Put the lights back on at night for the safety of local people.

Why is this important?

We need lights on at night and they need to be brighter.
There is so much crime about. People don't feel safe walking at night now, especially in the winter. My son in law had 80 pounds of petrol stolen last week and my neighbour's van got broken into a couple of weeks ago. The police are so busy that they don't want to know.

I do not feel safe in my own house at night. Why should we have to put up with this so they can save money? They should be saving people from being nervous from walking at night. They say keep people safe - how on earth can we with no lights on at night?

So please Surrey County Council - put our lights back on to reduce crime and keep people safe and make them brighter change the bulbs like we had before.
Surrey, UK

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