To: The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP

Put same restrictions on e-cigarettes as regular tobacco.

Dear Mr Hunt.

Clearly the restrictions imposed on the use of tobacco products in public places and around children was the most responsible, sensible and appropriate of laws to pass.

With that in mind and in light of the findings regarding the use of e-cigarettes causing 'popcorn lung', amongst other things, surely the only right and proper thing to do would be to impose the same restrictions (in law) upon the use, in public and around children, on e-cigarettes.

Why is this important?

The recent findings on 'popcorn lung', a condition that I understand is irreversible (unlike the effects of tobacco smoke which are reversible) would suggest to any responsible person that these products should not be allowed to be used in public or around children. Is it fair to expect children to be sat in cars breathing in this poison when it's doing irreversible damage to their young and tiny, developing bodies.
Please make this happen. It's the only responsible thing to do, for our childrens sake.