To: Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II: Please Dismiss Justin Trudeau as the Prime Minister of Canada

Considering Justin Trudeau's words praising Fidel Castro, a butcher who intentionally killed tens of thousands of his own people, imprisoned tens of thousands more, and forced many thousands of Cubans to flee the island by raft, many of whom died at sea, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is no longer worthy of his post as the Prime Minister of Canada. He should be removed immediately.

Why is this important?

Leaders of the Free World, of which Trudeau is one, must stand steadfastly with those who suffer the horrors of tyrants and dictators and must oppose, at every turn, the machinations of such tyrants to enslave their people. Trudeau has heaped praise upon Fidel Castro, whose history of butchery is well recorded, compromising his position as a leader of the Free World by offering support for those who enslave and oppress their people.

Imagine the message it would have sent if Churchill thought well of Hitler? Or if Harold Wilson had praised Ho Chi Minh? Or James Callaghan praised Mao Zedong? Those who offer moral support to butchers are complicit in the depravity. Justin Trudeau is, therefor, no longer worthy to lead a free nation, nor is he a worthy subject of Her Majesty, the Queen.

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