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To: UK government

Raise pension payments to the minimum weekly wage of £287

I feel that it is time to bring the pensions of UK citizens to equal the minimum wage of £287. This is due to majority of pensioners having to scrimp and scrape with the measly pension they get. During winter months pensioners are at a disadvantage with bigger bills and now that energy companies are increasing their prices in October, this is reducing the amount of monies for food on the table. Politicians are claiming major amounts of money which which makes the pension look a pittance. It's now time to look after the pensioners who have paid into the system most of their life and give them a decent living in retirement.

Why is this important?

To ensure all people who have contributed throughout their life will have a decent pension when they retire and not have to live on the bread line.

United Kingdom

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2021-08-14 22:03:44 +0100

10 signatures reached