To: MPs to address all local Councils in the UK

Re-cycling of Soft Plastic

Where I live and probably all over the UK, soft plastics are currently being put into non-recyclable waste bins which goes to landfill because we are advised that soft plastics are not recyclable and can’t go into the recyclable bin. If the soft plastics were separated out then approx. half of the waste (in my experience) that goes into non re-cyclable bins would not end up in landfill – thus halving the amount of landfill as a result!

Therefore, I think that local Councils should, along with advertising what CAN and can’t go into a recycle bin, should also inform what shouldn’t go into a non-recycling bin. The major amount of waste in a grey bin is soft plastics, e.g. crips packets, food coverings, wrappings, pasta and rice bags, lolly and biscuit packets, fresh fruit and veggie bags, frozen food bags, magazine and newspaper wrapping, and clean plastic wrap/film.

Since I have been separating out my own soft plastics a couple of weeks ago and taking them to the Co-op store for specialist re-cycling, my non recyclable bin is only half full which at this time coming up to the 2 weeks since collecting would normally be completely full.

Therefore, only half of my non-recyclable bin will go to landfill instead of a full bin load. This is environmentally a great advantage and should be advertised by local councils on their waste websites and even go as far as a door drop leaflet with very detailed re-cycling information for everyone.

To reiterate – we know what to put into the re-cycle bin but people might not be aware about the soft (un-recyclable) packaging that goes in to the non-recyclable bin for landfill, when the soft plastics could actually be re-cycled.

This is a link to the Co-op scheme for re-cycling soft plastics and it is being carried out by other supermarkets such as ASDA. The soft plastics go onto a specialist soft plastics re-cycling company.,we'll%20do%20the%20rest.

To adopt a more refined method of re-cycling, could save the Council the cost of hiring landfill lorries and creating methane, ethylene and carbon dioxide which cause greenhouse gasses. Also reduce the footprint of the landfill sites themselves, which can only be good for the environment.

The petition would be to highlight to local councils via out

Why is this important?

To reduce the greenhouse gasses by re-cycling soft plastics.